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A Foodie Photographer’s Nutrition

What Gets Measured, Gets Managed Right?

Looking for the number one thing to do if you want to make some changes to you nutrition?

Take a picture of everything you eat.

I mean, E V E R Y T H I N G.

Sure tracking you meals using MyFitnessPal or actually writing it all down works too, but taking a quick pic on your phone is just so much more convenient.

And when we starting to make some changes to our health and fitness, we need convenient. Hell, we need easy.


It’s the number one indicator of success for any health and fitness plan.

Will you actually do the damn thing?

For most people, taking a picture of your food is just easier than opening an app and entering in all that data.

A photo catalog of nutritional choices is more effective than a Calories titled bar graph.

A picture gives us more data than simply the amount of calories, carbs, or protein in a meal. It helps us frame our feelings, remember our environment, and maybe even our thought process and decision making surrounding our meals. 

Portion Problems

We just suck at estimating portions. 

I don’t know what the hell 2 cups of sweet potato looks like and I’ve been doing this for years. Guestimating serving sizes is taking an already inexact science and injecting even more human error to it.

Look at a photo of mashers hogging up the dinner plate and we know we could’ve dialed it back.

Not only that, healthy nutrition isn’t simply portions and calories.

Picture This

Do you remember those high school cafeteria lunches?

The whole damn thing.

Shades of beige.

Mashers, rolls, tater tots, chicken nuggies, fries, hell even the trays this muted brown color.

Monochromatic? Throw some eggplant, black beans, or carrots. Taking a few spins off the color wheel drastically increases nutrient diversity.

Progress Pics!

Lastly, one of the biggest advantages is that it allows people to clearly see the progress they’ve made in their day to day.

A croissant, to cream cheese on toast, to peanut butter on toast, to a veggie-freakin-omelet!

Tracking your nutrition from a simple numbers perspective can work, but it doesn’t address the most difficult aspect of making changes to your nutrition. 

Nutrition isn’t just pie charts and bar graphs. 

It’s the daily decisions you make and the reasons behind them.

To looking at the big picture,


P.S. If you’re ready to start making some changes click HERE

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