Raquel Resized

Iditarod: Costco Edition

Friday is my Errands with Ma day: FedEx, Indian Oven, Costco, Car wash.

That’s the routine essentially every Friday.

Indian Oven: quick, self-served portions, and most importantly, it’s pretty damn good.

A cupped hand of white rice. A couple of palm-sized portions of chicken tikka masala. Hell yeah, I’ll do some naan, it just counts against the cupped-hand-of-carb quota.

My personal goals and preferences shake out to four cupped-hands of carbs, three palm-sized portions of protein, and zero thumb-sized portions of fats.

Oh yeah, we use your hand for food portions that work for you and your goals.

But I digress…

Off to Costco for our post-meal ten minute walk. 

Well, I walk. 

Mom pushes a cart loaded with a week’s worth of bottled water and sugar free Monsters.


Like we’re on the final leg of The Iditarod.

Do I look like a jerk?


And maybe me casually downing a quick sample, while she’s leading our cross-Costco trek doesn’t help. 

But here’s the thing…


There are opportunities to move the needle on your health and fitness all around us. Taking advantage of those exercise opportunities can heed some big results.

Park a little farther.

Grab a grocery basket in lieu of the cart.

Change the order of your errands so you’re more active after eating.

Do these choices in a vacuum make a difference?

Probably not.

But a health and fitness plan is built on the small choices we make consistently.

It’s the lifestyle we build for ourselves through our daily decisions.

What’s some low hanging fruit you could implement in your routine?

Speaking of…

Eat more fruit,


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