That beautiful time to be a San Antonian is right around the corner.
San Antonian? Is that right? It seems weird typing that… anyway.
You know the time, it’s the handful of days between our last freeze and triple digit temps.
That’s our window to start building some habits around getting outside.
That doesn’t mean you should start running two miles every night. It doesn’t even mean that you should start running at all.
I mean, running?? ICK
Move more often. Get more sunlight. Sleep 8 hours.
We know the things we’re supposed to do.
But, you don’t need to do it all at once. Particularly in the move more often department.
When you hear to aim for 10,000 steps, it doesn’t mean we want you to wake up and walk five miles every morning.
In fact, you’d get more by breaking it up throughout the day; 10 minute chunks of dedicated walking.
Short bursts throughout the day can help stimulate metabolism, increase energy levels, and improve mood. Scheduling those walks after meals would be even better. It aids in digestion, controls sugar levels, and reduces bloating and indigestion.
Essentially, you’re going to feel better.
Finally, because it’s only 10 minutes, it’s easier to stay consistent.
And the number one predictor of success in any health and fitness protocol is adherence.
Are you actually going to do the thing you plan to do?
10 minutes is just more manageable than 30.
And how do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time,